st.melody's choir! okayy mrs cheong is the 3rd one from the right first row! XD
string ENSEMBLE not orchestra (: playing some double violin concerto. the little girl's cute! not very clear here saddd and she's damn pro :D
serene lau's flower arrangement!! HAHA the smalle purple flowers with yellow centres are those grace and i gave (: not really for dead people right!! they're nice! :D
yesterday was SHOPPING SPREEEEEEEEEEEEE!! first, went to ikea to get my mum's stuff, and i was just being random there and took some random pictures :D
TOWER OF GREEN PILLOWS! how i wish i could just jump into it.. oops hehe the picture's wrong side :D
after that went valhall to get balls! as well as to curve amelia and my blades (: and my dad went round valhall for about 3 times before finding the correct way to go in! HAHA well it is QUITE hard to find :D
BALLS!! the orange one is grace's :D
okay i think that's about all the pictures for today (:
okayokay after valhall, went bugis!! i wanted to buy white heels but then kinda ex, so my mum decided we can always buy next time :( oh well then bugis street was nice! haha loads of stuff! then i bought a white blouse and white skirt for confirmation! like YAY! and i bought a new bag toooooooo hahaha altogether's about 50plus which is quite cheap! :D
yepyep after that went home to rest awhile first before going back to school at 7.15pm! PM!! haha it's kinda cool. went back for SPIRE (: not really luh, just had some video conference with the people in florida.. FLORIDA! HOW COOL IS THAT! haha and mr loh was acting very funnily XD then when the teacher in florida asked us to present what projects we're doing, amelia and i were like "OH SHIT, WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING YET" hahaha yeaaaa but it was kinda fast. ended about 8plus (:
that's my monday!! :D now for my tuesday!
went to school in the morning to practice with audrina again. hehe le printemps was okay, adagio was okay too, larghetto was boring but okay too. ALLEGRO IS KILLING ME! XP it's hardddd the notes are easy, but the pattern is hard! so your fingers tend to get tangled up O.o haha and we were playing at about 90? which was already hard for us. BUT the actual speed is 132!!! LIKE WOAH. haha so audrina and i decided we shall play at 120 maximum :D
yep we practiced for 2 and a half hours!! wowwww quite pro huh :D yeaa that's about it, went home at about 1.30pm (: oh on my way to school, i saw mr eng! hehe and he was like "you come back to school for what" and then he asked, "your 1101 how" then i went like "okayyyyyy" haha then he just gave a "mm" and walked off. haha hopefully i passed!!! (:
okayokay i'm seriously bored! oh well, i suddenly remembered i'm going chinese script with amelia tonight O.O GAHH i dont feel like doing. but we set deadline for this script by friday! so must do today :(
joanne okay, relax! haha tmr you can slack the whole day away at home!! XD maybe you can try baking :DDD but thursday have to go back school after training at NTU for SPIRE. hopefully can try to finish experiments? if not at least half? yep then just meet up once more can already :D shucks, i still have to go find how much the plants cost O.O okay i'm starting to feel stressed out even though it's the holidays! GAHHHH so dead...
okay i decided to relaxxxxxx and play disney/neopets/pokemon!! XD